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كيف تسرع من اداء ويندوز فيستا

كيف تحسن من اداء جهازك وترفع من سرعة نسخة الويندوز فيستا شاهد الشرح بالاسفل ومرفق بالنهاية مقطع فيديو يشرح العملية
add this code at the end of url - &fmt=18 and hit enter, u will see this video in high quality This video shows the secret of speeding of windows vista that microsft does not want you to know abo...
add this code at the end of url - &fmt=18 and hit enter, u will see this video in high quality

This video shows the secret of speeding of windows vista that microsft does not want you to know about.
I am sorry if my video is fast at some point, the reason is i had to cut down the video to 10 mins so plz pause video to read some stuff.

ALSO sorry about flashing in videos thats where i cut the video...

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